For years, we have supported mega corporations that do not promote freedom.

It is time to make the BIG switch!

When we switch our shopping, we support a trusted source for American Made, Family-Owned Consumer Goods


By simply switching stores, you can continue to buy the products that you already purchase every month but from a company that is Family-owned, and makes safer and healthier products.

It truly is THAT SIMPLE!

Do we have

all these choices?

Every time we shop at retail stores, we think we are buying different brands, but most of them are owned by a few mega corporations.

Have you checked who owns natural brand products? Most of them have been acquired by these large corporations that control the industry.


Where Does Your Money Go?

A good portion of your hard-earned dollars go to pay for advertising, fund the distribution chain and warehousing, and pay for shelf space.

Buying from an American Manufacturer who ships directly to your home, products that are of the same of better quality, with safer ingredients is a much better choice.

It is time to take action!

If you keep buying from large corporations, nothing will ever change.

Many of the consumer goods we buy today (for us, our kids and even our pets) from these mega corporations come with warning labels, and there is a reason for that!

Don't let one more day pass by,
make the change today!

Healthier. Safer. Great quality.

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